it's all relative

Sunday, September 04, 2005

i have moved. update your links please

up on the roof

Sunday, August 21, 2005

since is STILL messed up...i'll be looking for a different host for my new website. any suggestions? tag me

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Job 11:13-18

13 "Yet if you devote your heart to him
and stretch out your hands to him,

14 if you put away the sin that is in your hand
and allow no evil to dwell in your tent,

15 then you will lift up your face without shame;
you will stand firm and without fear.

16 You will surely forget your trouble,
recalling it only as waters gone by.

17 Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.

18 You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

man...the stoplight at sweetwater and alcorn bayou is up now >.< how annoying. saw it for the first time today. i realized that 99% of the time i drive now, it's towards missouri city...i never drive to 59 anymore. weird.

hahahaha...thanks niki *click*

this will be my last post on this layout! (trying to inspire myself to work on the new one)

Friday, July 22, 2005

so it's been a while since i've posted...but many of you already know that. i won't be able to post everything i wanted to...cuz i'm too lazy. but at least i'm getting something up here for now, right? o0o the post counter for blogger finally works for me...this is post 185. hmm...only 185 posts in almost 2 years. i'd say that's a good average.

so what's been going too much actually. but i'll mention some of it here

went on my first missions trip a few weeks ago, and it being in mexico, it was my first time out of the country as well. i'll admit, i wasn't totally WOW'ed by the whole experience...mainly because i was on a construction team that was 30 miles away from everyone else for most of the day. satan certainly attacked us a lot during those 5 days...but i did learn a little more about putting God's will ahead of my own comfort. hmm...i should take that to heart more

the week after mexico was VBS and kids camp...for VBS i helped out with the games again. thankfully i didn't have to lead!...but i did lead the sports for kids camp. oh man those kids tired me out so much. thanks to all of my volunteers who kept the kids in control and made sure they had fun.

needless to say, i'm glad those two events are over. now i can focus on SLG, college ministry, EE...oh yeah and my own walk >.< *sigh* do me a favor people. if you talk to me...ask me if i've done a QT that day...i need accountability please!

oh yeah, pretty soon i'll be renovating this entire site. thanks to niki's photoshop classes, i'm inspired to design my own layout ^_^ and of course steven will help me with the coding. so expect that soon!...and i mean it this time.

some pics i've been meaning to post...

the fantastic four in mexico!

look, stan plays RO now :P

group pic of our RO shirts!

wow...a pic of me and my dog after i turned 16 o_O i looked so young

okay must prepare for the next few days...if you happen to be at church tomorrow morning at 9:30, come watch us (LVPs) play the english team! stay cool, people

Sunday, July 03, 2005

baby's hungry and the money's all gone
the folks back home don't wanna talk on the phone
she gets a long letter, sends back a postcard
times are hard

whoa, down in mexico
i've never really been so i don't really know
whoa, mexico
i guess i'll have to go


please pray for our team and its ministry while we're in mexico this week!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

has anyone else forgotten what it's like to go to school?...

some things i've been up to so far this summer:

picnic at oyster creek! thanks for setting it up, master.

this is right before i plowed stanley into the ground...
haha :-X yeah right

oh yeah, also been tearin it up with the LVPs. GG guys...too bad i don't have a pic yet. we need to get a team photoshoot with the (m-)force shirts on :P